let’s make our new home
Truly gratis

3200 Perry Smith Rd Monroe, GA 30656

Come grow with us!

We BELIEVE God is able.

We BELIEVE God wants to build His church in Gratis.

We BELIEVE God will provide the resources.

We BELIEVE God will bring the people to build it and to fill it.

We BELIEVE God deserves (gets) all the glory.


In 2010, God planted the seed of Gratis Church, and on August 14, 2011, Gratis Church launched with the purpose of glorifying God and advancing His kingdom. Since then, Gratis Church has blossomed into a family of commited believers who want to make disciples who will make disciples...

A few years ago, God led Pastor Mike to begin the Gratis Church land fund from an unused savings account that he had since he was a young child – it had just over $100. Within 2 short years with the help of generous giving and a matching grant, Gratis Church had the money to pay cash for a beautiful 14+ acres of land in Gratis, GA.

Then the time came to build the new building!

Through much prayer and research, the church leadership team decided to build a 12,000 +/- square foot building as the first permanent structure of Gratis Church. This building will be state of the art featuring a 300 person seat auditorium, adequate parking, and a first class children’s ministry space for Gratis Kids.

In addition, through the help of Bold Mission Builders, an organization that helps churches build buildings, we have been able to reduce the normal building cost by up to 50%. This allowed us to maximize our funds to best serve our church’s needs.

We’re praising God for His faithfulness! On May 12, 2024 we had our first gathering on a Sunday morning at our new building! What a special day it was! We still have a journey to pay off our loan debt but we are praising God for a place to worship and grow His church here in Gratis. Please join us in prayer and giving towards this mission to be paid in full.

Will you join us by building something that will outlast us?