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Guest Services

Ministry Mindset: At the core of our church we believe we are called to LIVE like Jesus, LOVE like Jesus, and LEAD people to Jesus, Jesus taught us how to have a ministry mindset by teaching us how to serve others. Int he book of Mark Jesus says, "for even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve." Jesus lived His life serving thousands. We will follow His example. We will LOVE and SERVE well! 

  • Parking Lot Team

  • Setup Team

  • Greeters

  • Welcome Table

  • Coffee Bar Team


Gratis Kids Ministry

Our mission is to plant a seed in our Gratis kids. A seed that will grow as they do. We are called little planters, not only because we began as a church plant, but because each child that walks through our doors will go out into the world and spread the love of Jesus to a very lost world. We strive to create a love for the Lord and His word. We will teach our kids to pray, worship, and love God’s People. We want our Gratis kids to be a light in the darkness and warriors for God’s kingdom.


Gratis Care Team

Do you have a passion for serving others through meals, hospitality, and visits?  We invite you to join our Gratis Care Team. To be a part of this team means that you will receive emails or phone calls notifying you and the team about a need in our Gratis Church family. Emails might include a link to a meal train where you can choose a time to deliver a meal to a family in our church. There might be times when a hospital visit is needed or a visit to a funeral home. Our goal with our Gratis Care Team is to provide our people with care, support and love through this ministry.