Graduates, Let's Celebrate!


What an exciting time of year!  The weather is changing, school is almost out for summer and we all know what that means, GRADUATION!! =)

After countless hours of homework, papers, test, and projects all the hard work has finally paid off. It’s a time to celebrate our accomplishments but more importantly to thank the Lord for being with us every step of the way. Another chapter of life has been completed and another one is about to begin. I am honored as the Student Minister of Gratis Church and a college graduate myself to join in the celebration of our High School and College graduates.

This Sunday as a church we are going to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates and of the faithfulness of God through this amazing journey of our lives.  We are also going to look toward the future and the great plans God desires for our lives.  I don’t want to give too much away yet but I will be sharing an amazing Testimony this Sunday on the power and glory of the Lord, which will hopefully encourage and challenge all our graduates along with everyone else.  For a little sneak peak for this Sunday go read Psalm 1.  =)

Love Y’all

Joseph Brown